Drawings Maintenance & Updating

Drawings Maintenance & Updating

Maintain drawing accuracy no matter the rate of inevitable change.

“…Our contract also requires them to up-date and modify the drawings and database on a regular basis. The alternative is to perform these services in-house which is expensive and impractical. We believe that “outsourcing” is a cost-effective approach that places minimal demand on our internal staff“

Chief, Facilities Management Service
VA Medical Center

Update and maintain your drawings on an on-going basis

IWMS and CAFM systems are built on accurate drawings. Many calculations and reporting extract information from drawings and inaccurate or out-of-date drawings lead to improper operations. IWMS and CAFM managers agree that one of their biggest challenges is to maintain the accuracy of their drawings. Most medium to large organizations undergo changes frequently. Changes happen in two ways: minor changes such as changing the size of a door may be done by internal staff without an external design company’s involvement. Oftentimes, changes occur because of planned remodeling projects. A design company is hired to develop a set of new design documents. This process generates design drawings at various milestones in design. The construction process also may produce a set of drawings and related documents. The actual construction may differ from design documentation, and this would be reconciled to produce the as-built documentation.

Often, the remodeling projects need to be field verified to reconcile the discrepancies in construction and to produce the as-builts. On-going updating and periodic field survey are integral to VLogic’s approach to handhold our customers as they manage their IWMS and CAFM systems.

Life-safety Compliance Documentation

Certain facilities such as healthcare are subject to periodic inspections leading to their accreditation. It is critical that their drawings depicting life safety compliance be kept current all the time. The lack of accuracy in documentation and its easy accessibility can lead to loss of accreditation or worse impact safety. VLogic’s program to continuously update and maintain life-safety documentation can alleviate that concern.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. You will need to perform a field survey to square the facility against the drawings. VLogic offers a separate Field Verification Survey Service that can help you with this requirement.


Yes. As long as the PDF/paper drawings are legible and in reasonable shape, we can help you.

Yes. The Drawings Maintenance and Updating Service is usually charged per a statement of work, for drawings that are not already managed in VLogicFM.

The Drawings Maintenance and Updating Service is provided as a project-based option for helping customers with facility drawings that are not already uploaded to your existing VLogicFM account. For example, new facilities or non-contiguous facilities that are not currently managed in VLogicFM.